27. Prometheus

Don't believe the hype! Well, believe some of it. Prometheus could never really match up the marketing hyperbole but I have to say I enjoyed it.

It's not without it's flaws (a whopping plot hole or two) but it is nicely engaging although it does lack any kind of fear or tension after the 'aliens' (no, not those ones) reveal themselves.

It all feels a bit short to me and could have done with another 30 minutes sprinkled in along the way. No doubt that will be in the Directors Cut which will be out 3 months after you've already spent £20 on the Triple Editon Blu-Ray.


26. A Prophet

Wow! A Prophet is an incredible ride from start to finish.

I don't think I've seen a crime drama so jam packed with ideas, issues and imagery as this. Thinking about it now, a few minutes after viewing, there are so many things buzzing around in my head it's hard to name one stand out moment.

Needless to say I highly recommend you watch this if only for the excellent central performance from Tahar Rahim. There is not an emotion, action or thought the man doesn't convey over the 155 minutes running time.

25. Y Tu Mamá También

A full frontal road-trip movie that I can't believe has been in the world for 11 years and I have only just had the pleasure of seeing it.

From start to finish it is a breathtaking journey into the lives of two adolescent friends (Gael García Bernal & Diego Luna) who are accompanied by their cousins (recently cheated on) hot wife (the sizzling Maribel Verdú).

It's not only a drink and drug fuelled journey; it's also full of intimate and personal moments from our main band of travellers and features some beautifully told short stories from a vast array of characters that surround their lives.

24. Contraband

"Bored yet? Keeping watching and you will be."
 I like to feel that I watched this film so you, fair reader, didn't have to. 'Contrabland' would be more apt.

This is a Mark Wahlberg approved remake of an Icelandic thriller Reykjavik-Rotterdam.

I cannot understand for the life of me why anyone would want to re-make this film if the original is anything like this generic, dull, piece of shit.

23. Young Adult

Still hot when trying to look slubby...
The best thing about Young Adult is also it's main problem. Charlize Theron totally miscast as the returning prom queen looking to rekindle a romance with her ex-boyfriend. It's just sooooooo unbelievable that she can't get a man/ find a man/ men don't find her interesting/ attractive etc.


She looks hot when she is a drunken wreck, she looks hot when she is hung over, shes looks hot when she in jogging pants. It's difficult to see where the problem lies... To be fair though she does have a bloody good go at the role and whole mid-life crisis / personal breakdown is well handled but.. you know.. it's Charlize Theron and this is the role see was never meant to play.

22. Rampart

Or as I like to call it: 'High contrast thuggery with Woody Harrelson.'

Rampart is a funny beast. Our protagonist is an unlikeable arse who is caught in political shit storm that makes him the focus of internal affairs although he is far from the biggest problem within the LAPD. Couple this with his unusual home life and his unerring knack of sleeping with every woman he claps eyes on and you think you'll be in for an enjoyable genre flick.

Well it kind of is, but mostly it isn't and it left me feeling a let down by the end of it all.

21. Chronicle

"Don't look or you'll see the endin- Oh."
Well Chronicle is kind of fun, albeit paper thin fun, but the whole found footage thing is kinda odd.

It all feels a bit, I don't know, naff? Main conceit of the film is that found footage thing is pretty much left for dead as soon as the protagonists discover their powers (via them 'telekinetically controlling the cameras').

All in all it's a reasonable way of spending 90 minutes but there are SO MANY better ways to spend 90 minutes.

20. 21 Jump Street

"I thought there would be more car chases in this job."
Well this was an unexpected pleasure. After seeing the trailer that sold this movie as a trashy re-make/ re-imagining, I expected practically nothing from 21 Jump Street.

I couldn't have been more wrong! It's smart, funny, overblown and straight up hilarious at times. Jonah Hill (the not so Slim Shady) deserves particular credit as (along with Michael Bacall) he delivers a firecracker of a script that bounces along at a jaunty pace, that is self aware and a real spikey treat.

The whole role reversal set up works really well and it's also great to see Ice Cube in a role as a nasty ass motherfucker for a change.

This is my favourite comedy of 2012 so far. BOOM!