133. Shaun the Sheep

Technically proficient non-essential procession that had my son asking to leave 20 minutes from the end.

To be fair I think he needed the toilet.

132. Chappie

So after loving District 9 and really trying to enjoy Elysium, Neill Blomkamp seems to be on a similar career trajectory as Jason Reitman.

While Chappie maintains Blomkamp's visual and technical prowess, it has massive holes in the logic (the main supplier of robot policeman has no security whatsoever?) and a depressingly infantile script. 

It's tonally all over the shop and real fucking mess. Here's hoping he doesn't write the script for the Alien Sequel.

131. Captain America - The Winter Soldier

Epic marvel fun that is more James Bond than Iron Man. Does the right thing in putting boring old Cap in with a load of other characters to serve up the best bond film since Skyfall!