107. The Wolf Of Wall Street

The Wolf Of Wall Street is a bit like the over eating at the best restaurant in the world. It's fantastic and beguiling to start with, everything crackles of the tongue and it's a feast fit for a king!

Then you start feel bloated, irritable and main thing you take from it is that all wall street insider traders are sub human degenerates... oh, and indigestion.

106. American Hustle

Great cast. Some glorious singing moments. It feels a little light on the real grit and details you expect from a film of this stature...

No denying though, it looks amazing and if they hand out oscars for hair and suits then it would win hands down...

105. Despicable Me 2

Great fun but not as good as the first. All round good farty, family fun.

104. Up

Another glorious Pixar movie that is even better the second time around.

103. Toy Story 3

A wonderful end to a great trilogy. It's just fantastic from start to its tear jerking, plastic crushing finish.

102. X-Men: First Class

The best X-Men movie by a mile and another reason not to hate Matthew Vaughn. Really tight script, smart action and a great cast.

It's bloody brilliant.

101. The Hunger Games

Jennifer Lawrence is far too good for this competent tween action, murderfest that is far too baggy in the final third and could have been done and dusted in 90 minutes.

100. Beetlejuice

Beetlejuice is without doubt, Tim Burton's finest hour. It's a perfect storm of pitch black comedy, fantastic stop motion and practical FX alongside a killer cast and some of the greatest musical numbers ever committed to film.

Unfortunately I can already feel the disappointment of the proposed sequel engulfing me as I write...

99. Easy A

Entertaining reworking of the Scarlett Letter that will take 92 minutes of your life without it feeling wasted.

98. AlanPartridge: Alpha Papa

Alpha Papa does suffer a little from what all TV to big screen adaptations fall into - they move the action from it's usual location/setting to holiday location or foreign setting - it still does this, but thankfully never gets out of Norfolk.

If you love Partridge then get ready for the best comedy of 2013 and if you are new to the world of Alan, then get ready for the best comedy of 2013!
